Louie's Electrical Field Trip (2605)

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  • Regular price $500.00

Louie's Electrical Field Trip

Price of $500 is charge to license for one year. License may be renewed annually.

Louie's Electrical Field Trip presentation makes it easy to teach students in grades 4-6 about electricity and electrical safety.

Louie’s Electrical Field Trip is an interactive presentation that can be presented by your employees, or teachers can access and present on their whiteboards or computers. The presentation includes these topics:

• What is electricity?

How do we use electricity?
Who makes it?

How can we stay safe?
How can we save electricity?

A teacher or employee can present the program at a pace that works for the class and it includes interactive activities and Louie :30 video clips to help the class retain the information. A script is included in the presentation for either a teacher or your presenter.

Moore Syndication will customize the presentation with your company’s logo and make other text changes to suit your company. We can also include photos of your employees or equipment to make the presentation even more personal.

There is a scheduling option that Moore Syndication can incorporate. This option allows a teacher to request a presenter from your company to come to the school at times that have been predetermined by you. The program will also keep up with the presentations made so you have metrics on the success of Louie’s Electrical Field Trip in your service territory.

Here is link to the Louie’s Electrical Field Trip demo.

Subscription is easy! Prices quotes available within 24 hours. Just contact Pam Moore at 205-871-8819. It takes only about three weeks to build your customized site.